IT Infrastructure Solutions - Bezel Arabia

IT Infrastructure Security

IT Infrastructure Security

Information security is the process of preventing destruction, theft, alteration, or misuse of sensitive information. IT security solution provides the design and architecture of a realistic solution based on the business environment to minimize business threats and risks. We build our security architectures based on the principles of defense in depth and multi-layered defense mechanisms. These ensure that the organization has several layers of protection that can thwart the most malicious of hackers even if they manage to penetrate some parts of the IT system. The design also balances protection with cost, to provide an optimum, cost effective security solution that is in accordance with the business requirements.


   Our Security Solutions and Services: 

  • Security auditing and Consultancy
  • Security system analysis and re-engineering
  • System Monitoring and reporting
  • Data center security services   
  • Security system troubleshooting ad maintenance. 
  • Unified Threat Management (UTM) installation and configuration
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN) installation and configuration
  • Anti-virus system installation and configuration
  • Anti-Spam solution installation and configuration
  • Internet content filtering solution (web, chat, YouTube, download, P2P, etc.)
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention system implementation
  • Patches and updates management
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Security system expansion and up-gradation
  • Security Policies and Procedures
  • Integration and optimization
  • High availability solutions
  • Hardware delivery and software subscription and it’s renewal